Tenno Sake becomes the main sponsor of the 29th National Men's Ekiden

Daiso industries Co., Ltd. (Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, President and CEO: Seiji Yano, hereinafter referred to as ``Daiso Daiso industries Co., Ltd.'') will be hosting the 29th National Capital of Japan Emperor's Cup held on Sunday, January 21, 2024. Special support as the main sponsor of the Interprefectural Men's Ekiden (Sponsor: Japan Athletics Federation, Nickname: Tenno Sake 29th National Men's Ekiden, Venue: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, hereinafter referred to as "Tenno Sake National Men's Ekiden") We support the promotion of sports, the development of track and field athletes, and the popularization of competitions. This is the 8th time* that we have supported this event, starting in 2015.

*The 2021 (26th) and 2022 (27th) tournaments have been canceled to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.

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