Trophies made by high school students from Hiroshima city with prayers for peace will be presented to the eight winning teams of the 29th National Men's Ekiden Ekiden.

Daiso industries Co., Ltd. (Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, President and CEO: Seiji Yano, hereinafter referred to as `` Daiso industries Co., Ltd.'') is the owner of the 29th National Prefectural Emperor's Cup held on Sunday, January 21, 2024. Nagano won the championship as the main sponsor of the 29th National Men's Relay Race Tournament (Sponsor: Japan Athletics Federation, Nickname: Tenno Sake, 29th National Men's Ekiden, Venue: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, hereinafter referred to as "Tenno Sake National Men's Ekiden"). Trophies were awarded to the prefectural team and the teams that placed up to 8th place.

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