Improvement case

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2022.08.24 update

Product name: Fly catcher

JAN code 4549131979312
Keep the effect! The slim shape makes it easy to store, so it can fit in small gaps in the kitchen.

customer's voice

Character illustration
  • I want to put it in the gap of the trash can, but I can't put it well because of its rounded design. Also, because it has a strong presence, it will interfere with the interior if you put it in the kitchen, so I would be happy if it had a stylish design.

  • There is no problem in using it because it is a type to put on, but the lid is thin and fragile. I'm worried that it will be taken away soon...

It has improved!

The newly renewed fly trap has been changed to a slim and simple design, so it can be placed anywhere.
Recommended for those who want to install it in the kitchen, want to catch flies that are not very noticeable, and want to make effective use of gaps.

[Features of fly catch]
Attracts with the scent that the flies like, and traps the flies that come in through the hole in the lid with chopped jelly.
The fragrance does not contain insecticidal ingredients, so it can be placed in the kitchen or around food.

*This product is intended for fruit flies of the Drosophila family.
It mainly targets fruit flies that are likely to occur in fermented foods such as damaged fruits and vegetables and pickles at home, so mushroom flies that are often found around foliage plants are different types and are not covered.
  • Before

    Before improvement

  • After

    After improvement

Customer comments

  • I was worried that even if I cleaned up the kitchen area, the flies would still come in, so I found a fly catcher at Daiso, so I bought it! It has no particular smell and can be placed in a small gap, so I put it around the trash can. It has a house-like silhouette and is easy to hold, so it is helpful when disposing of it.

  • I found a fly in my room, so I bought it immediately! Although I expected to see immediate results, I was only able to get two in the first week. However, the number of flies decreased with each passing day, so I am satisfied. I would like to continue using it for a while and see the effect.

  • Last time I couldn't catch any flies at all, but after that it turned out that the type of flies was different! Therefore, I bought it again with the intention of trying it again, and changed the installation location from the previous time and placed it around the kitchen. All flies can be caught! I can't go that far, but this time I caught a lot of flies. I'm surprised that the effects are different just by using different types of flies!